Laundry Detergent Jug Workout – Household Item Workout 1

Babes! I know that some of us don’t have the access to normal gym equipment so I wanted to get creative with a household item that I know most of us DO have! IMG_6020

Laundry Detergent Jugs!! Or any jug that you have around.  The most helpful thing is if it has a handle!  I want to start doing more household item workouts because even for the girls that do have gym equipment, it can be so fun to switch up what we are using!

Here is the workout! I hope you love it!

3 or 4 rounds of 10-15 reps of each exercise.  Tailor it to your fitness level! Also it will depend on how heavy your jug is! My laundry jug was half full 🙂

Upright Row – With core engaged, bring jug up in front of your body keeping it close to you.

Hammer Curl to Press – depending on how heavy your jug is, these could be hard! If you can do it, curl the jug with your hand positioned with thumb on top, then press the jug over your head.

Detergent Swings – Both hands on the hand, assume a slightly wider than shoulder width apart stance and swing the bottle between your legs and then with the momentum of your hips coming cup and forward, let the jug rise up to shoulder height.  Don’t use your arms to bring the jug up, this is a fast paced momentum compound movement, your hips and legs should be moving the jug.

Squat Snatch- do 10-15 on one side and then 10-15 on the other- with the jug in front of you, squat down let the bottle almost touch the ground, then pushing through your heels and keeping the jug close to your body bring it up to you chest and then up over your head.  This is all a connected movement so use some momentum to get the weight up.

Narrow Back Row – 10-15 RIGHT ARM AND 10-15 LEFT ARM – with your core engaged, sit back into your heels, back flat, shoulder blades squeezed together like you are pinching a penny and hips pushed back let the jug hang down.  Bring your elbow straight up and slightly towards the middle of your back pulling the jug up.

Wide Back Row – 10-15 RIGHT ARM AND 10-15 LEFT ARM -with your core engaged, sit back into your heels, back flat, shoulder blades squeezed together like you are pinching a penny and hips pushed back let the jug hang down.  Bring your elbow out to a 90 degree angle and pull the jug up with it.

Tricep Kickback- 10-15 RIGHT ARM AND 10-15 LEFT ARM -with your core engaged, sit back into your heels, back flat, shoulder blades squeezed together like you are pinching a penny and hips pushed back let the jug hang down.  Bring your elbow up close to your body at a 90 degree angle.  Then extend the jug out behind you.  Do not drop your elbow, keep it up through all of the reps.

Wall Sit Overhead Raises- Keep pelvic tilted towards belly button so that back is completely flat against the wall.  Keep Core engaged the whole time and focus your weight pushing through the bottom of your heels.

Single Leg Deadlift – Focus of keeping hips level and not twisting or tilting when you bring the weight down.  Hinge at the hips, push your hips back and then squeeze your glutes together to bring the weight up.  Don’t round your shoulders forward, keep your shoulders back and back flat.  If you feel low back pain, this means you aren’t engaging your core properly.


I hope you liked this workout! Please tell me if you have any creative workouts you do at home with household items!

xx Jesse

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