Your Jaw Tension is related to Your Pelvic Floor Tension

Yesss I said it! If you are someone that is a chronic jaw clamper, teeth grinder or someone that suffers from TMJ then you are also probably experiencing signs of pelvic floor dysfunctions! Did you also know that we have 3 ‘floors’ in our bodies…not just our pelvic floor and they are all also influencedContinueContinue reading “Your Jaw Tension is related to Your Pelvic Floor Tension”

Postpartum Core Exercises with Small Ball

4 Postpartum Core exercises with Small Ball For Diastasis Recti, C-section Recovery and Postpartum Overall Strengthening your pelvic floor and transverse abdominis can help reduce the risk for organ prolapse, Diastasis Recti, pain during sex, peeing when you jump/sneeze/cough etc. all which is NOT normal and something you DO NOT have to live with! YouContinueContinue reading “Postpartum Core Exercises with Small Ball”

Heart Bottom Syndrome aka Flat Booty After Baby

Hey Mamas! I am talking about the infamous Flat Booty that just seems to happen out of no where postpartum! It happened to me and I had no idea what the heck was going on! Well after some research, I have got some answers about why it happens, what is actually happening and I’ve evenContinueContinue reading “Heart Bottom Syndrome aka Flat Booty After Baby”