Diastasis // What is it // Self Check // Info

  What is Diastis Recti? This is a hot topic right now and there is some much information out there about what DR, diastasis recti, is and what is actually going on in there! DR in isolation, is the spreading or thinning of the linea alba, the connective tissue that connects the left and right rectus wallsContinueContinue reading “Diastasis // What is it // Self Check // Info”

Flat Booty after Baby? aka Mom Butt! My 11 Glute Exercises to ditch Mom Butt

Do you have a Flat booty or “mom butt” after having your baby!? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone! This happens so often to new moms post delivery or c-section and most have no idea why! This is usually due to a weak pelvic floor or core dysfunction.  You may not have thought of your bootyContinueContinue reading “Flat Booty after Baby? aka Mom Butt! My 11 Glute Exercises to ditch Mom Butt”