So you had a C-Section…here is what “they” don’t tell you

  After your C-section I give props to the single mamas out there because I know it took a village to take care of me and Radley. Shane was in charge of us for the first few days alone. And he was literally taking care of both of us, showering me and changing all herContinueContinue reading “So you had a C-Section…here is what “they” don’t tell you”

Coming Earth-side: Radley’s Labor&Delivery Story

I woke up Tuesday morning, September 4th, at around 3:30am and had a contraction, it hurt a little more than the Braxton Hicks contractions I had been having for weeks before. I got comfortable and then another one came, then another, and another. I stared at the clock across the room and watched for theContinueContinue reading “Coming Earth-side: Radley’s Labor&Delivery Story”

The Second Trimester

The Second Trimester Ohhh the 2ndtrimester! The time has flown by, I must say I’ll miss this period of having her with me all the time.  She is safe, close, reminding me of her presence with kicks and flips from inside.   Writing this, I am in the beginning of my 3rdtrimester at 28 weeks.  IContinueContinue reading “The Second Trimester”